Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2014

Vodafone ZTE Modem

Download the connection manager (from internal SVN or It is for some device called MF626, which seems to be the same.

Do not install this package!
Instead ./Contents/Packages/drv.pkg (can be reached by e.g. right-click - show package contents).
Now plug in the UMTS-stick and wait for the ZeroCD-crap to be mounted.
Eject the device in the Finder.
Ignore any "found new devices"-messages for now.
Open and run sudo screen /dev/tty.ZTEUSBATPort.
Type: at+zcdrun=8, press enter. You should receive "Close autorun state result(0:FAIL 1:SUCCESS):1". The annoying flash-drive is now disabled.
Now open System Preferences and choose "ZTEUSBModem". Go through Advanced - Modem and choose "Generic" as vendor and "GPRS (GSM/3G)" as device. Don't forget to enter the APN if your provider requires you to do so.
Use *99# as phone number.